Teaching and Research
Learning to Invest Real Dollars in a Real World
Officiating guests at the opening ceremony of Value Partners Center for Investing of HKUST: (from right) Mr Jimmy Chan, Chief Executive Officer of Value Partners Group Limited; Mr Cheah Cheng Hye, Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Value Partners Group Limited; Dr Eddy C Fong, Chairman of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission; Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST; and Prof Leonard Cheng, Dean of Business and Management of HKUST

They say that if you scratch any Hong Konger, you are bound to find a keen investor. That is even true of our students, and especially true of our business students.  But students have neither the deep pockets nor the market know-how to indulge their passion. So imagine the joy when a rare opportunity presents itself. Hong Kong's leading value investor and Asia's leading business school teamed together in June to form a unique partnership to train students how to scratch their investment itch.

For the first time in Hong Kong's history, there will be a student-operated, faculty-guided academic center for investing, courtesy of a generous donation from Value Partners Group Ltd of close to $10 million to our Business School. Named appropriately the Value Partners Center, it kicks into gear in September 2011.

The historic significance of this event attracted some very important people to witness the signing ceremony, among them the Chairman of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, and of course the Chairman, as well as the CEO of Value Partners Group Ltd., plus HKUST's own senior leaders. 

This novel industry-academia cooperation offers seminars, conferences and publications and support for scientific and policy research on investment not only in Hong Kong but also in Mainland China. Nothing like a leading home-grown fund management firm joining hands with a leading home-grown innovative university in training well-rounded and venture-driven graduates.         

HKUST Vice-President Dr Eden Woon (left) presenting a souvenir to Mr Cheah Cheng Hye