Prof Jiangchuan Liu, 2003 PhD Computer Science, has been awarded a prestigious E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The Fellowships aim at enhancing the career development of outstanding Canadian university academics, with an international reputation for original research. Jiangchuan is currently a University Professor at Simon Fraser University. He will spend two years investigating how massive media content can be efficiently generated, processed, and distributed through crowdsourcing and among consumers via the latest social, mobile, and cloud computing and communication platforms.
 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering alumni Dr Xiaowu Zhang, 1999 PhD, and Dr Jeffery Lo, 2008 PhD, have received the 2015 IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society’s Exceptional Technical Achievement Award and Outstanding Young Engineer Award respectively. Dr Zhang received his award for 2.5D/3D IC integration, focusing primarily on micro bump solder joint reliability, process development and stress sensor technology. Dr Lo was recognized for his contributions to LED packaging development, component reliability assessment, and industry and professional support.