Two Electronic and Computer Engineering professors have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), bringing the total number of IEEE Fellows at HKUST to 35*.
Such Fellowships celebrate extraordinary contributions to the profession in any of IEEE fields following rigorous review. IEEE members total over 400,000 worldwide, encompassing 160 countries. The number of Fellowship recipients each year does not exceed 0.1% of the total voting IEEE membership.
 Prof Pascale Fung was recognized by IEEE for her contributions to human-machine interactions. Her research has encompassed multilingual language processing, machine translation and spoken language understanding. She is a founding member of the Human Language Technology Center at HKUST, the first research center of its kind in Greater China. Prof Fung has also been elected Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association and has become Vice President of the Association for Computational Linguistics’ Special Interest Group on Linguistic Data and Corpus-Based Approaches to NLP (ACL SIGDAT). SIGDAT has been a pioneer in data-driven methods of natural language processing since the 1990s.
 Prof Patrick Yue was recognized by IEEE for his contributions to the advancement of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits and device modeling. He is the Founding Director of the Center for Industry Engagement and Internship in the School of Engineering and Director of the HKUST-Qualcomm Joint Innovation and Research Laboratory. He was a co-recipient of the 2003 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Best Student Paper Award and author of one of the most cited papers yet in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Currently, he serves as an editor for the IEEE Electron Device Letters and IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. Prof Yue has also chaired and organized a number of IEEE international conferences and is an Elected Administrative Committee Member for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.
* as of Dec 2015 |