Campus Health and Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Committee Membership
Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders
Watch Out for Safety and Legal Issues of Riding Hoverboards
December 2015
Environmental Health and Safety Committee Membership
Mr Mark Hodgson, VP-AB (Chairman)
Prof Roger Cheng, Associate Provost 
Prof King-Lun Yeung, Associate Dean of Engineering
Prof David Banfield, Division of Life Science
Prof Wan-Keung Wong, Division of Life Science
Prof Guochen Jia, Department of Chemistry
Prof Michelle Yik, Division of Social Science
Prof Richard So, Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management
Prof Lam-Lung Yeung, Head of Student Housing & Residential Life
Ms. Adelaine Lim, Head of Research Policy and Special Projects, VPRGO
Mr John Maguire, Director of Facilities Management
Prof Joseph Kwan, Director of Health, Safety & Environment (Secretary)
The terms of reference of the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Committee can be accessed at :
If you have comments or issues relating to the policy aspects of the University's EHS management program, please send them to or contact the above-listed members for assessment and follow-up.